Monday 29 December 2014

Brazilian music: rhythm, soul and poverty

Hello everyone, today i choose a special artist, his name is Nelson Cavaquino. His from Brasil, and i really like the brazilian music, the flow, but the rhythm, the lenguaje... i'm interesting for the shape music takes when why combine diferrents elements or factors, the Amazon, the weather, the people: the poverty of nigga people created black music.
I want post a documentary about him:
but i have to selected one, this song is "Historia de um valente" (minute 2:35). I like when the children's listen the music, the music of their comunity, of their adult people, the tradicion and finally their music, local music. I like the people in this video.
I don't understand completely the letter, but for the name of this song i suppose the history of a man, generaly him sing about the sad and passion, probably is similar in this case.
Listen and watching the video-documentary! goodbye


  1. Voice, strings and that feeling. Nothing more is necessary. Good music.

  2. We hear this songs in your home the last saturday! is a big man, pretty music. thanks you for send me this documental!

  3. Really great these songs, music to everydays
