Thursday 15 January 2015

Have you ever...?

 Have you ever gone mountain climbing?

Yes, i went to the mountain for practice climbing, a extreme sport… with rope, helmet, slipper for climb and the hands (with magnesio) A lot of time go with my “parners”, theirs has the equipment… and up the mountain is very funny in team

Have you ever swum in the ocean?

yes!! I really like this, de water (in general) is perfect for feel peace and calm. I like swim in the ocean, is an experience (a type) of adrenalin but also go out the ocean I feel the electric sensation, is like break up jaja

Have you ever tried any extreme sports?

Yes, I practice, for a long time, BMX. This is an extreme spot with a bike, you can jump in the ramps, slide in the bench of street, and the other modality is jumping at the “dirts” (mound soil) When I was a child I rode at the ramps, I really like feel the wind and the elevation!

Have you ever played an instrument in public?

Yes, in the last summer i played everytime in the public square because I needed money for my travel in this year. I play the clarinet; I was learned at the “Escuela carnavalera Chinchintirapie” it’s a very nice “comparsa” for we sing the music at the street


  1. I agree with you, the ocean is wonderful, is like a mixture between peace, calm and adrenalin.

  2. Tabata, that good words about ocean. are perfect for it.
