Tuesday 6 January 2015

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

wow, is very sad this theme, the politic in Chile is no functional to ours people, the economic system influence all parts of the society, and the politics has be influence for this. For example "Cerro Panul" the most oldest native forest could be as damage for the bad politics.
What is your opinion about jazz music?

Yes! jazz is the most creative part of music (worldwide and historic) for the improvisation. Is a creativity of the interpeter the important on this music, (for the improvisation). In the classic music de compositor has been the most important (for the melody and composition). Musician of free jazz create similar experience to the artist, the creativity is the essential in this case.
What is your opinion about  climate change?

The climate change is a politic theme,not other thing. The human is a especial form of life in the earth, he's dont remember, the history, the damage events... dont like this, because about the consecuence of the system on the organic world ours prefer think "as inevitable"
What is your opinion about recycling?

That being said, the recycling is the necessary for create a most organic and sustainable world. The economic system today is the most big contradiction of the human nature
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I think the abort (and all thinks we can decide) are important for the autonomy, today we dont have real independence, the freedom is guard, the autonomy is punished (Like the mapuche case) for the politics the people dont been preparated for choose yours own destiny

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