Tuesday 27 January 2015

Final Post

I have learnt to modulate words and frases, to utilize verbs and words that i didn't knew and finally the difference beetween the conjugations of past, present and future.
By the other hand i relearn a lot of stuff that i taught i already knew, but i realized that i haven't really lernt then at all, the constantly is nessesary.

I would like to improve mi speech and botter the constructive aspects of the lenguaje. I have difficult with the coherence in a frase or paragraph, and always is better improve the conjugation of different verbs. Really, at the very bottom of myself, i haven't think about it. I think the english is nessesary when were i stay on the space where the people speak this lenguaje.

This summer i would like to go to the south, Valdivia for example. Puerto Montt and Chiloe.
I am planing to go with this friend of mine, who happens to play acordeĆ³n, i can make money playing with him. He plays very good, and because of it is that i want make this journey with him.
When we get there the firts thing we are going to do is play music like crazy! In order to make money to go deep into the forest...

Thursday 22 January 2015

A work of art i make

In my work of art exist a lot of "topics" or "ideas", at first time, when i began the university, i like the engraving work, i spent the black and white on all of my works. The draw is black and white and generally the engravement utilize black.
Before i became using my hands with clay, basically is dirt, minerals; its a wonderful work... the use of the material and the discipline if you need is the most important in this job.
Now i do drawings, i finally realized that it is the most gratifying work for me, and the most simple! you only need a pencil and a piece of paper.
The time i need is variable, but i prefer to take the time as long as it needs.
I like drawing the landscape, the quiet at outdoors (rural zones) are very different from city places, because of the people and objects on the street moving very fast. When in outdoors, i can spend the entire day in just on piece of drawing, because the environment.
I also like it because i can capture reality through my own perception, so it helps me understand the world by understanding myself.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Have you ever...?

 Have you ever gone mountain climbing?

Yes, i went to the mountain for practice climbing, a extreme sport… with rope, helmet, slipper for climb and the hands (with magnesio) A lot of time go with my “parners”, theirs has the equipment… and up the mountain is very funny in team

Have you ever swum in the ocean?

yes!! I really like this, de water (in general) is perfect for feel peace and calm. I like swim in the ocean, is an experience (a type) of adrenalin but also go out the ocean I feel the electric sensation, is like break up jaja

Have you ever tried any extreme sports?

Yes, I practice, for a long time, BMX. This is an extreme spot with a bike, you can jump in the ramps, slide in the bench of street, and the other modality is jumping at the “dirts” (mound soil) When I was a child I rode at the ramps, I really like feel the wind and the elevation!

Have you ever played an instrument in public?

Yes, in the last summer i played everytime in the public square because I needed money for my travel in this year. I play the clarinet; I was learned at the “Escuela carnavalera Chinchintirapie” it’s a very nice “comparsa” for we sing the music at the street

Tuesday 6 January 2015

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

wow, is very sad this theme, the politic in Chile is no functional to ours people, the economic system influence all parts of the society, and the politics has be influence for this. For example "Cerro Panul" the most oldest native forest could be as damage for the bad politics.
What is your opinion about jazz music?

Yes! jazz is the most creative part of music (worldwide and historic) for the improvisation. Is a creativity of the interpeter the important on this music, (for the improvisation). In the classic music de compositor has been the most important (for the melody and composition). Musician of free jazz create similar experience to the artist, the creativity is the essential in this case.
What is your opinion about  climate change?

The climate change is a politic theme,not other thing. The human is a especial form of life in the earth, he's dont remember, the history, the damage events... dont like this, because about the consecuence of the system on the organic world ours prefer think "as inevitable"
What is your opinion about recycling?

That being said, the recycling is the necessary for create a most organic and sustainable world. The economic system today is the most big contradiction of the human nature
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I think the abort (and all thinks we can decide) are important for the autonomy, today we dont have real independence, the freedom is guard, the autonomy is punished (Like the mapuche case) for the politics the people dont been preparated for choose yours own destiny

Monday 5 January 2015

1. What's your general evaluation?

Really good, i had finish the years studied in this university, four years studing arts. has been awesome! drawing, painting, working with your hands, creating...  i would recommend to anybody, worked with the imaginary, behind, you can work with anything and stimulate your capacities.

2. What about work or studies?

I'm work a few times, when i need money left to the street and played music with my band and friends. It's really nice, work and recived money with the people, a lot of people thought is really necesary, the summer in the city it's very stifling.

3. What was the best of 2014?

i dont know what is the better moment on the past year, i dont say that, but, provably the travels be a nice moments. For example in the vacation of "18 de septiembre" the nacional celebration, i went with my ex's schoolmate's to the mountain for climb the rocks, we went to inside the Talca, to the mountain range until the "valle de los condores"  a beautiful place for stay and climbed with my friends.

4. What was the worst? (something to improve or forget)

Hummmm i think anything is for something, nothing is really bad when it was happened to much time, it passed one year.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

I want to travel

Hi everyone, today talking about of the great plane.
I really want to travel to every place on the earth... I would like to take my backpack and walk, search for the real experience of life; the true shape or form of live. I waiting hopefully will go to Medellin, Colombia, where my mothers best university friend lives, and she is the godmother of my sister, she work in the university of “Antioquia” specially in the department of arts! It’s fabulous, for this travel will be a complete experience, not alone tourist travel. 

This is more important for me, travel but… travel with my capacities, not buying for packs to go across the city, the museum’s or others, this is we want show you, the capitalism form show only the beautiful part of the country. I want know the people, the problems and the nature places (virgin scenery is awesome), far far the tourist area. I know very little of this country, Colombia, only the necessary, but I hallucinate to go across Latin America!

Monday 29 December 2014

Brazilian music: rhythm, soul and poverty

Hello everyone, today i choose a special artist, his name is Nelson Cavaquino. His from Brasil, and i really like the brazilian music, the flow, but the rhythm, the lenguaje... i'm interesting for the shape music takes when why combine diferrents elements or factors, the Amazon, the weather, the people: the poverty of nigga people created black music.
I want post a documentary about him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VTH_T00gnY
but i have to selected one, this song is "Historia de um valente" (minute 2:35). I like when the children's listen the music, the music of their comunity, of their adult people, the tradicion and finally their music, local music. I like the people in this video.
I don't understand completely the letter, but for the name of this song i suppose the history of a man, generaly him sing about the sad and passion, probably is similar in this case.
Listen and watching the video-documentary! goodbye